دانلود نرم افزار Python 2.7 6
Notice: While Javascript is not essential for this website, your interaction with the content will be limited. Please turn Javascript on for the full experience. Release Date: Nov. 10, 2013Note: Python 2.7.6 has been superseded by Python 2.7.8.Python 2.7.6 was released on November 10, 2013. This is a 2.7 series bugfix
release. Most importantly, it resolves an issue that caused the interactive prompt to
crash on OS X 10.9. It also includes numerous bugfixes over 2.7.5.Among the features and improvements to Python 2.6 introduced in the 2.7 series
areAn ordered dictionary typeNew unittest features including test skipping, new assert methods,...
تاریخ 12 اسفند 1400